

a family girl. Born on September 14, 1994. Frappucino & Cappucino holic, very passionate about cooking and eating; Culinary. Kangkung louver. Juicy. Parfume. Cinema. Love-hard fan of Cats and Cow Doll. Traveling Bicycling Swimming Running and Flying without wings. The art appreciator; literature and many more. Having fun with photography: Canonian's. Full-time standby friend but also the best sleepyhead - nice dreamer! 
I'm happy to be me, my self, & I. I had found my way. My way is in my heart. The best one in this heart is just Allah. I believe God always protect me from everything. God give me many learn. Thanks God for all You've given me. 

Finally, welcome to my site..

Surely, with all of my pleasure to having you enjoyin' ma word in here. If you dunno me well, so please don't judge me. Still judging me? You aren't ok. Or you don't like my word? Its not ur business cause here is my world. Peace^^
Try to love what you read and respecting each other is the sweetest one.
Be awesome instead!

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