Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Tugas 2: Information of Technology

Hi masbro mbabro here I just wanna post my task about Information Technologyy Practice. This all about what I hope & what I can take from what I learn huehehe. Sorry and really sorry cause of my English Conversation feel badly than before. If we want have a good conversation in English, we should always try and try to write it or let's speak up!

Maybe  like this one...

This is the function of Blog.
What is it?

Yaaay.. with this blog we can learn to try our self-quality about writing, speaking, and sharing. We also can get money from this site. I like selling something, I like business, so maybe someday I'll sell something in this blog.
I write this one in my lab Univ of IT. Kak Indy & Kak Darwis teach my classmate and I about it.
I hope from this class I got many informations, all of us get the best score, passed this class well, and many more. huehehe amiiiin. Thank you kaaak. 


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